Adequate Housing Parameters
in India 

Produced in collaboration
with ATE Chandra Foundation

Adequate Housing Parameters in India is a research project that builds on the research and documentation from the State of Housing – Aspirations, Imaginaries and Realities in India exhibition. The exhibition was curated by Rahul Mehrotra, Ranjit  Hoskote and Kaiwan Mehta, showed at Gallery MMB, Goethe Institute/Max Mueller Bhavan in Mumbai from Feb 2- Mar 18, 2018 and has since travelled to Ahmedabad (2019) and Bangalore (2020).

The project begins by examining the different ways in which adequate housing is defined, from the census, to various committee reports and the United Nations. This broad list of parameters is then analyzed against fourteen chronotopes which are part of the exhibition and tries to understand how these projects have  addressed the various parameters and can we use this method to cull out standards for various parameters that we think have worked well and should become a part of future housing projects. Thus, the second part of the project is an attempt to create a checklist of parameters and standards against which a housing project could be evaluated for adequacy, hoping to generate a consensus around what should constitute adequacy for low income housing.

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